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 Why Eagle Is Different From The Chicken

Reflection of the  chicken and eagle, choose which one you are today . 

Eagle has a unique attitude and characters to learn from. Eagle is different from chicken. Chicken cannot fly as an eagle however they can fly most low when they are afraid of humans catching them. Chicken talks too much and does nothing. It can eat from provided and dead food. 

On the other hand, Eagles are different. It has good vision, it is brave, it is lonely. It is sometimes quiet and so loud. Eagle has great vision to see the thing invisible from three to four miles away. Eagle always focuses on the things to catch it. It can pass through the heavy rain, snow, wind, and clouds to its target. Eagle never missed its target to get it. 

Therefore, it can fly strongly until it touches the target. This metaphor can teach us to have a clear vision and remain focused on our goals to achieve them even when we face many challenges before we get something we want in life. Eagle is brave to face anything around its territory on the air and find live food on the earth. Eagles like to play against heavy wind and it is not like any other bird on earth. That is why the eagle is the king of other birds in the air. 

Eagle does not compare with any other bird because it does not fly around other birds on the low level. This is a great lesson to learn that we should not be afraid of any challenges occurring in life, however we have to be bold enough to face them. We also do not have to be around people full of fear so that we could not be affected to be the same as they are. 

Eagle is a lonely bird in the air. It never flies with any other bird because it likes to fly higher than any other birds when other birds are flying average of lower altitude. When an eagle experiences renewed feathers from old feathers, it stays away from other birds, trees, and plants. 

Therefore, it stayed on the mountain to renew feathers by pulling out old feathers so that new feathers could grow and get new strength. It can come back to fly at normal altitude after the process of renewing the feathers. It flies higher than before it renews the feathers. This attitude can teach us how powerful it is when we are alone to think about changing our mind and our old habits. We clear everything out of our  mind then come back to face the challenges in our way of fulfilling our destiny in life.

Eagles are tenacious.  They love storms.  They use the strong winds of the storm to lift themselves higher and higher to glide and thereby to rest.  Achievers are not afraid of challenges!  They use them to look for opportunities and don’t get bogged down in the problem.  Determination is going beyond the limitations you thought you could not pass. 

Eagles never eat dead things.  This is kind of gross but the lesson is not.  Do not rely on past success, keep looking for new frontiers/opportunities to conquer.

Eagles prepare for training. People who are used to moving fast and flying high are easily frustrated by people who want to hold them back.  Always challenge your people or staff to get out of their comfort zone but never out of their strength zone.

Eagles possess vitality.  We need to occasionally shed off old habits of things that burden us and add no value to our lives.  Discover a person’s passion, hopes, and dreams, and then help them reposition so that they work according to their strengths.  Show them how they contribute to the organization.

  This will produce vitality and sustain the energy not only for the person but for the team and the organization. Good people are found not changed.  Don’t waste your time trying to turn ducks into eagles.  Hire people who already have the motivation and help them drive to be eagles and then just let them soar. 

Life’s a journey and Discovery the gift

Best Life To Live Is Not Easy

We all are full of potential however those are not visible for the world to see. Therefore, we take the journey of work in us to discover our real potential from the hidden. When we honor our calling, we work on it day in and day out to discover our true gift and potential from inside of us. Because every human was born with a gift and there is no excuse that we are born with nothing. We are limited in using our potential when we spend so many hours sacrificing on our job to build other people’s assets. 

We all must understand that we were not born empty. We all were born with full potential in us. Therefore, we should appreciate the life we have in each moment as we breathe and figure out a way to use our great potential. Let us think about what is the best thing we have to do to make it visible in the eyes of the world. You have different gifts and natural interests to do on this earth. Some of you can play any instrument like playing piano, guitar, and drum. 

Maybe some of you are good at sports like running, playing soccer, volleyball and golf. so , we should stay focused on what we have to use for a living and life long journey. The journey starts with discovery of our authentic natural interest calling us to walk through the process to serve others. That must be a sign for us to show our gift to be visible. It culminates over time with our curiosity and desire to use our gift into the core of who we are adding value to the world. However, that’s not where it ends. 

In fact, there is no end to our journey as long as we live and we use our gift to serve around us. There is no final destination on this earth as long as we are using our gift put into our work rather than on our job. The journey continues to unfold in front of us with each step we take. A little more of the path is revealed and the call continues to naturally draw us farther down the path. We continue to discover more about our gift. We use and grow it more. We add more value, and we ultimately make more of an impact in other people’s lives as well as our own. Significance is what we all truly seek in this life. Significance brings us joy and happiness. 

Joy and happiness comes from a combination of meaning, importance, satisfaction, and fulfillment from inside of us. Meaning and importance stem from our authenticity and who we are. Our gift and pursuing our gift with passion and purpose is our true identity. It’s always there, and it is our choice to embrace, use, grow, and share it with others. Our satisfaction and fulfillment comes with persistently answering the call to be ourselves and honor our gift. Like life, satisfaction and fulfillment are not a destination. When we seek satisfaction and fulfillment through being ourselves, doing what we love, and sharing what we do, we are tapped into our true source of happiness-our gift. Each time we engage in the process and share our gift we will find satisfaction and fulfillment. 

When we let significance guide us, we build a body of work. We build on our craft, improve, add value, impact more people, and re-engage our gift. This cycle can be maintained and sustained over the life of our. We can often overlook our gift because we think of a gift as an extraordinary ability that presents itself as an epiphany of instant mastery. However, our gift is more about our level of natural interest, curiosity, and desire than our level of natural ability. Discovering, embracing, using, growing, and sharing our gift is our purpose of living on this earth. Pursuing our calling and using our gift feels like enjoying playing the game we love.

 It is fun, entertaining, satisfying, and fulfilling for us, yet adds value to the world for others to benefit from our gift. Living Creative Side Out means embracing the journey to answer our call and fulfill our purpose. There is no end or final destination. When we pursue our gift, our journey continues to unfold in front of us, revealing a little more of the path, and our calling continues to naturally draw us farther to discover more about our gift, grow it, and add more value to this world. 

When we use our gift, we attract everything such as wealth, and more people around us. If you feel inspired through listening to this idea of visibility as our gift, now your job is just to figure out the way for you to focus on the thing you absolutely love and you should spend some time on whatever makes you fall in love with it because it can give you everything you need. It will give you motivation, courage, hope, happiness, wisdom, enjoyment, and also it will lead you to grow more to fulfill God’s purpose for your destiny on this earth. When you do so,  your life never ends, however you still live forever for the next generation to come.

 Social Media Favorable Value to Teenagers 

At some points social Media is valuable for educational purposes

Why do teenagers like to use social media? Young people like to use social media everywhere because it has many advantages for teenagers nowadays. When they use social media, they can communicate with family and friends. They use it to learn new things online. They can find a relationship online. They can make money online. It also can entertain them for refreshing their feelings. For instance, social media helps young people to communicate with their parents when they do not have cellular to make a call to their parents by using the Facebook messenger. Therefore, social media is adding a lot of value to young people and it is useful to young people who are using it nowadays for communication, education, relationship, financial, and nursing their feelings from stress. It makes them knowledgeable, brave, and mentally strong in their life. 

First, they use Social Media for communication with their family from a long distance. It helps them to communicate with their parents, family, and friends when they use Facebook messenger, Rebtel, WhatsApp, Instagram messages by using the internet. These social media sites can help young people to communicate everywhere in the world because all these sites can be used by the internet to connect with each other. For instance, I am using WhatsApp, Messenger, and Rental to communicate with my family and friends between two different countries. I can communicate with my family from the United States to Indonesia. Therefore, many teenagers are using social media for communication; and the number of young people who use it for communication is rising every year. According to Youth Statistics: Internet & Social Media, “Texting is a common communication tool for American teens; among cell phone owners, 90% text. Teen girls aged 13-17 typically send and receive 40 texts each day, while boys are half as prolific”. Social media can help young people communicate to check the condition in family and friend’s life even nowadays the situation is so dangerous because of Corona viruses, so it is better to use Social Media to communicate.   

Secondly, Young people can learn a lot of new things on social media. Nowadays, young people go online to research information on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These sites are helpful for many people, especially young people for educational purposes. They can find much information so easily online by social media when they are connected on the internet because many expert people already post valuable information on every social media platform. They can get knowledge in different ways. Some people learn the information by reading; some people learn through watching the videos on YouTube and observing the pictures on Google. YouTube is a more popular platform for most of the young people who go to search for the information to learn by watching. People can learn everything through social media; they can learn languages, sport, music, and etc.   

For example, I did not know how to play the drum at the age of twelve to twenty, but I started to watch videos on YouTube about how to play drums when I felt interested in playing the drum. So, I started to learn after the age of 22. Now I am 24 and I can play it in the church because I learned it by watching the video on YouTube. Same as other young people can learn lessons on YouTube by watching it because all topics are available and already uploaded by experts. Therefore, according to Youth Statistics, “YouTube is highly popular among middle and high school-aged youth; 85% of teens age 13-17 use the video-sharing platform and learn the information online”. It means many young people use YouTube as an information source and they find valuable lessons. Therefore, social media has much valuable information available for many young people who are always curious about social media.   

Thirdly, social media can help young people to find their relationship online. They use a lot of social media platforms to find their girlfriends and boyfriends online when they use dating apps such as Zoosk, Match, Silver Singles, Young-People Meet, and etc. They think that finding new people online is easier than physical meeting because when they use dating apps online, it saves time, they can feel less afraid to text or send the messages to other daters by saying “I like you”, it is more secure, they can choose by looking the pictures, and it is a fast way to express themselves. If they use social media dating apps, they feel the freedom to ask each other for a relationship, so when they ask other daters if they are single. If they say yes as a single person ready to date, they continue to communicate. Then, they can meet each other forever in their lifetime.   

The other reason, many young people can make money from social media platforms. Some people work full-time, and other people work part-time on social media platforms. So, nowadays, young people make too much money by having their own YouTube channel, having more followers on Instagram, becoming a Reward dollar affiliate site for sharing the link to their social media sites such as on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, and etc. They can get paid when they have more viewers, subscribers, likes, and commands on their postings whether pictures, videos, or their creative ideas with description. Some teenagers make money by having their own social media account, but the other teenagers make money just simply download the apps on “app store or play store”, then start making money by running apps, or playing some short-games: Dice Royale, Word Rela, Lottery Scratch, Surveys On The Go, and etc. Therefore, social media helps young people to get extra cash without hard work. They can make twenty-five to fifty dollars while they are doing their homework or studying at home as long as they have internet access at their places.    

Additional value, Social media can nurse teenager’s feelings to feel fresh and enjoy their life by playing video-games online. It has many different games available on the website, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Nowadays, teenagers like to play video-games online because they can play games by a group or with their friends in different places when they share the game’s link to each other. What game can they play online on Facebook? They can play “instant Games on the Facebook web first launched with 17 different games from well-known games publishers like Zynga, Konami, Bandai, King, and Namco, plus many more”. When they feel tired or they get bored from doing the study and homework, then they can go to social media sites to play the game online with friends. For instance, I saw one of my friends share the EverWing on messenger, and he invited five of us. Then, five people played it, and we all enjoyed it. Same as other young people who play video-games online, they cannot feel tired, they cannot feel hungry, and feel bored while they are playing the game because it has more addiction to them. While they are playing it, they can learn communication, and shooting skills and also, they can control their brain to be active while they are playing the game and talking at the same time with their friends. Therefore, the teenager’s feeling is relaxed while they are playing the video-game. They feel that they are exercising their brain in the gym after they get a massage in a nursing room. 

Social media is a valuable thing in the world for making young people’s lives easier. If social media never existed, many young people’s lives would be hard. Their communication with their parents and family can be limited. They cannot find their relationship inconveniently and secure online. They cannot learn anything fast on YouTube, and other media platforms. They cannot make money online, and they can always ask their parents to give them money for their pocket money. They can feel bored without playing the video game because it makes them feel fresh and enjoy it when they play it. Therefore, when social media exists in the world, young people move so smoothly to step up forward. They already know about future technology because they are learning and growing faster than compared with people who lived without social media back to two thousand years ago. Young people’s minds are growing faster and full of knowledge, their mind is full of apple fruits at harvest time.  

Finally, social media is adding a lot of value to young people and it is useful to young people in their life when they use it. It can help teenagers to communicate with their parents and family for a long distance. Teenagers can learn anything fast on YouTube and other social media platforms. Young people can find their girl and boyfriend easily. They can make money online; they can get extra cash instead of asking their parents for their pocket money. Social media can nurse young people from their stressful feelings. If it has never existed in the world, many young people can be missing so many opportunities that they are enjoying today. Therefore, much information can be limited to them when they learn only in school. These young people will be so smart in technology, and they will not only be social media users, but also, they will create their own world.  

The Secret of 10,000 Hours-Rules

Is the 10,000 hours-rule can define success for people to spend their hours on their interest? This is my response to the 10,000 hours rule. Society believes that success is a basis for everyone in the world. People born for a different purpose to live and work successfully on this earth to fulfill their destiny from God assigned them to complete. Some people work as a doctor, some people work syenites, some people work for a ministry to preach the gospel, some people work as a teacher in the school, and etc. When they complete their tasks each day, then they can think of success could happen every day to them. 

Therefore, everyone is a success in general although we as a society have a different opinion to define the meaning of success according to the level of the economy whether high level or low level. Gladwell’s opinion about success is matching 10,000 hours by ten years for people to become experts when they start to spend their hours in particular areas through their hunger. People are willing to invest their hours on things through more practice and experimentation to discover a lot of new things because they want to change their circumstances and to feel freedom in life. They love to use their life in particular areas to be better. The same as societies have a different definition of success based on their opinion, knowledge, and experience.  

I thought the success was just simply for a final accomplishment to their effort from a long period of time. For instance, when I saw people graduate from college or university, then they got a good high paying job, they had achieved success in their life even though those were proof from their sacrifice while they were studying at school. When I was around 6 –16 years old, I was in an elementary and vocational school. At that moment, I was not sure what real success really meant to me because I did not have enough experience and knowledge to define the meaning of success. Therefore, I thought success is about wealth, power and position just by visualizing without thinking deeply about it.  

Society believes that success is an everyday basis by completing the task each day. When they have a project to work on, they make a plan of how the project or task could be done based on their schedule. After they finish it, they feel relief from their work on a project. For instance, we as students have so many assignments to complete every week, so before those assignments are due dates, we have to finish them in order to get a good grade on assignment. While we are still doing our assignment, we feel stressed. 

We do not have enough time to sleep and hangout with friends or family. We do not have enough time to nurse ourselves for health sometimes, but after we finish the tasks, we complete the entire semester. Then, we feel relaxed without thinking about the assignment. It means when people finish their job successfully with the result, they can think of it as successful in a job. Therefore, success is finishing our job with a faithful heart each day whether we like the result or not.   

Malcolm Gladwell’s idea about success is matching the categories by date of birth from the famous people’s birthday to identify whether they are perfect matches from the same date and month. He believes that people can be successful when they spend 10 hours every day practicing only one thing to be an expert on it. For instance, in the article, “The 10,000 Hours Rules” Gladwell wrote that “an amateur musician can spend only two or three hours a day for practice, but for excellence at performing a complex task requires a critical minimum level of practice again and again in the study of expertise.” (Gladwell 2). What he means about the 10,000 hours rules is to people who spend their hours in practice to be experts in a particular area. When people are good at music, there are two types of musicians. Some people are very skillful, they are world influencers through their talents because they spend many hours practicing. Other people are good at music, and they know how to play it but they are not an expert on the music because they do not spend a lot of hours practicing. Therefore, he thinks about success based on his knowledge by studying the research. People can achieve success in their life when they spend a lot of hours practicing, then after they spend ten to eleven years later. They can become more expert on something.  

These are the sobering conclusions of Gladwell’s Outliers. It’s true that no matter how much people try to pursue something; bad luck and lack of opportunities can always keep them down. For example, learning about nutrition, eating healthy, and exercising all of which happen to be within our control pales in comparison to having been unlucky enough to spend 20 years growing up in a severely industrially-polluted area in a house adjacent to a cell phone tower, which has doomed the people in the surrounding area to an irreversible life of poor health. People as individuals who grew up in a poverty-stricken area with a horribly lacking educational system will have a much harder time preparing themselves academically for college. The power of success is depending on how good or bad they want it to buy hard work without comparing with each other. Amidst the case studies of how powerful luck and upbringing can be, Gladwell gives us the 10,000-hour rule, in which he argues that it takes 10,000 hours of sheer practice to truly master something. He cites the stories of the Beatles and Bill Gates to support this rule. This is the individual merit portion of the book. In other words, if society’s luck and upbringing allow them the time and means to acquire 10,000 hours of practice; you have the opportunity to become very successful (an “outlier”). 

Society has many different opinions to define personal success. They think success is a final accomplishment of something. They think success is to work hard on something each day to achieve a massive result. Other people believe that success is wealth and financial freedom. For example, when people have a good economy and they have more income in their household, they could think it is a success. Even though Gladwell knows success is the process by hard work to practice every day and spend more hours on one thing to be expert on it. When we compare his idea about success with society’s opinions are different. Therefore, society misses the opportunity to redeem their time wisely for real success which is expertise.   

People can be successful when they follow 10,000 hours-rules by matching the date of their birth and when they start to practice in their 10,000 hours, but his idea does not make sense generally  because most people have a different belief about the rules and way of success. Some people think that success is at the end of accomplishing something. Some people think that success is an experiment by doing things differently to get a better result. The others believe that success is about spending time on one particular area to put more practice until they become an expert on doing things after they learn from their practicing. Society believes that success is not the straight line to accomplish, so if people want to achieve anything better, they have to commit to taking a narrow route and it can allow them to have more sacrifice in the process even, it can take longer to complete the real successfully in their life. 

The 10,000 Hours Rule article is a reflection by definition of success-based on people’s opinion, knowledge, and experience. People’s opinion about success is a final accomplishment through wealth, financial freedom, happy family, and college graduation without thinking about the process of how they achieve all these kinds of greatness. Some people define success by matching other successful people’s experiences and personal databases when they study the research because they are well educated. 

They have to quote ideas from outside sources because they are very careful to redefine the idea of success. Other people can define success based on their experience of doing and achieving something. People should believe success is the definition from other people’s experiences because their experience can define the true story, but the definition from people’s opinions and success definition based on their knowledge from the research can be difficult to believe when their ideas cannot be original. Society has a different assumption for the definition of success by visually seeing and defined by their own idea because they are limited in the knowledge to define a real definition of success.  Therefore, success can be determined by putting enough hours on a particular subject to be the best and master the area of your investment.  

Work Cited  

 Malcolm Gladwell, “The 10,000 Hours-Rule” 2008. Access in 2019. 

My Pen is Full of Ink, But Not Useful

A pen, full of ink, seems like a symbol of potential, yet without making its mark, it’s rendered useless. It’s a curious thought, isn’t it? We live in a world where many of us are full of ideas, skills, and energy, much like that pen, but if we don’t use them, we end up achieving very little.

The Power of Potential

The ink inside the pen is what gives it the potential to create. It can draw, write, or leave a lasting impression on paper. But unless that ink flows onto the surface, it remains confined within the pen, unable to fulfill its purpose. Similarly, potential is meaningless without action. We may have dreams, talents, or aspirations, but if we don’t act on them, they remain untapped, unexpressed.

Many people feel like their lives are filled with ideas and ambitions. Yet, without taking steps to make those ideas real, those goals remain as stagnant as the unused ink. We often fall into a trap where we wait for the “right time,” or assume that we don’t have enough resources, or even that we are not ready. This hesitation can prevent us from making any real progress, just like a pen that’s full of ink but never touches paper.

The Importance of Action

What good is a pen that doesn’t write? The value of the pen lies not in its ink, but in its ability to make a mark. Likewise, our lives gain meaning and purpose when we take action. Even the smallest effort towards our goals creates results, even if they’re imperfect. Just like a pen leaves a line, our actions leave marks on the world, however big or small.

Sometimes, we may fear failure or making mistakes, which can hold us back from taking action. But the truth is, every mark we make—whether it’s a mistake or a success—teaches us something and brings us closer to our goals. Action is the bridge between potential and accomplishment.

Turning the Ink into Action

If we want our lives to be meaningful, we need to shift from being “full of ink” to actually making marks. How do we do that?

  1. Start Small: Sometimes, the thought of taking large actions can be overwhelming. But by starting with small, manageable tasks, we begin to build momentum.
  2. Overcome Perfectionism: A mark doesn’t have to be perfect to be valuable. The process of making a mark, whether it’s successful or not, is what leads to growth.
  3. Be Consistent: Regular action, no matter how small, ensures that we continue to make progress. Over time, these small marks can turn into bigger achievements.
  4. Embrace the Journey: Making marks on the world isn’t just about the end goal. It’s about the experience, the lessons, and the growth that happens along the way.


A pen full of ink is full of potential, but it’s not until it makes its mark that it fulfills its purpose. The same goes for us. We may have all the resources, talents, and dreams we could ever need, but unless we take action, we won’t truly accomplish anything. The key to unlocking our potential is to start making our mark, no matter how small. Only then can we truly put our ink to use and see the impact we were always capable of making.

The Real Devil is Hidden

The hidden devil always invisible

In our world, the concept of the devil often carries a heavy, ominous presence, an image of evil that is easy to recognize, something that stands out in bold, unmistakable ways. Yet, the truth may be far more subtle and unsettling: the real devil is hidden. It doesn’t appear with horns or in fiery red; instead, it lurks in places we least expect, often disguised in our everyday lives.

The Hidden Nature of Evil

The idea that the real devil is hidden stems from the notion that true evil doesn’t always reveal itself in dramatic forms. It can be more insidious, slipping into our thoughts, actions, and choices without our realizing it. It may appear in the form of negative emotions like anger, jealousy, or greed, which seem innocent or justified at first, but grow into something far more harmful when left unchecked.

Take, for example, the small lies we tell or the habits we ignore. They seem harmless in the moment but can snowball into bigger problems. The devil, in this sense, isn’t a single, malevolent force; it’s the subtle accumulation of negative actions and thoughts that slowly erode our values and our sense of right and wrong.

The Devil in Disguises

What makes this hidden evil so dangerous is that it wears many masks. It can come disguised as a harmless temptation, an opportunity to cut corners or a brief moment of self-indulgence. It often appears as something that promises short-term gain but, over time, leads to pain or regret. It can hide in societal systems, too: in greed-driven industries, in the exploitation of others, or in the way we perpetuate hate and division.

Even in the relationships we hold dear, the devil can quietly nest in misunderstandings, resentments, and the refusal to forgive. These small fissures can grow into cracks, undermining the very foundation of trust and connection. The hidden devil feeds on our complacency, asking us to ignore or accept things that we know deep down are wrong.

Recognizing the Hidden Evil

So, how do we identify the hidden devil in our lives? It begins with awareness. Recognizing that evil often works subtly can help us stay alert to its presence. We need to look beyond the obvious forms of malice and examine the patterns and behaviors that shape our lives. Are we letting small habits slide? Are we fostering negativity in our thoughts or attitudes? Are we ignoring the harm caused by complacency?

The first step to battling this hidden devil is confronting the darkness within ourselves. It’s not always easy, but by acknowledging our flaws, fears, and unhealthy patterns, we can begin to change. Self-reflection and mindfulness can shed light on the places where evil quietly resides, allowing us to take action before it grows out of control.

The Power of Choice

Ultimately, the hidden devil’s greatest power lies in the choices we make. It thrives when we turn a blind eye to the small missteps that accumulate over time, convincing ourselves that they don’t matter. But they do. Every choice, no matter how small, creates a ripple effect. Whether we choose to act with kindness, integrity, and compassion, or allow negativity and harm to spread, we are making a mark on the world around us.

The real devil isn’t something we can defeat once and for all. It’s an ongoing struggle, a challenge to recognize and confront the hidden evils in ourselves and our environments. But by staying vigilant, making conscious choices, and striving for betterment, we can keep it at bay.


The real devil doesn’t always appear in fiery, dramatic forms. It hides in the quiet, unnoticed corners of our lives, creeping in through small choices and unnoticed habits. Recognizing this hidden evil is the first step in defeating it. By being mindful of our actions, questioning our motivations, and actively working to spread goodness, we can expose the hidden devil and take control of our own destinies. Only when we shine a light on the darkness within can we truly find peace and integrity in our lives.

Sun And Moon Reflection

Are you sun or moon? I can identify that I am a Moon. I am reflecting on the Moon because I am a mysterious and quiet person who is very clever and brave enough to face anything. I feel like I am generous and powerful though in unexpected ways. I like to help other people as needed. I can make other people happy and motivated. Sometimes, I feel other people’s pain keenly, but this does not mean I can sympathize with those who are sad in pain. 

When I  speak,  people like to listen, but I can hide my talents deep inside. Nobody knows who I am. I like to listen to motivational speakers, and I like to read motivational books when I am alone in a quiet place. I really care about whatever I do, and whoever I am with in the face of adversity. I strongly believe in myself that I am Moon switching over from the Fire and I am just trying to be a Moon person, but sometimes, I feel lost, so I went to google to make sure. Then I took the quiz to determine categories. This is the quiz I took and you can take as well as you wish which category you are in. If you answer that fit for your personality, it will tell you who you are and what you do best for the common purposes. 

I think this category describes me based on how I live my life. I am able to identify that I am water. I am snowing, and I am  raining. I am always figuring out how to get a solution when things are not going right. I do not like to talk too much nonsense. I do not like to argue with anyone for winning or losing the argument. I do not like to be part of problems, but I like to be part of solutions. Therefore, I am always trying hard to be the solver of the problems for myself and others around me. I know other people out there may hate me based on my weakness and I am not able to be perfect as they want me to be, but my responsibility is just to love them and help them as I can because there is no power of fire in me.

Verna Myers Overcome Our Biases

Vernā Myers is an American diversity consultant, author, speaker

How do you feel when you are compared by someone about you, and what do you think about you and other people as human beings to overcome it? When people act about bad things to others as humans, they hurt people. Then they can feel depressed. So people can feel negative as human beings when we get something unacceptable. Myers has three very powerful ideas  to deal with the biases because in her article, she talked about the overcoming of human’s colorline. So she mentioned  three powerful ideas to overcome our biases. How to connect with other people as human beings without comparing each other while getting out of denial, stop trying to be good people, we need real people. The author who provides the best solution is Myers because her idea can change young black people’s lives, her ideas can prevent young black people from being killed by police officer, and Myers said bias can change by how young black people look, but the societies have to look at their faces directly then they can realize that they are the  human beings as the societies.

The young black people’s life can be changed from Myers’s ideas if the societies follow her ideas and use them to appreciate the young black people as human beings. When the societies understood about Myers’s ideas, she was trying to split the young black people’s lives from the white people’s biases because she knew that young black people feel negative when white people bias them. Myers knew about the young black people’s purpose in life because they have the different purpose to change the world and the world has a better place through the human’s potential. In this article, Myers has talked about the “world can be fulfilled by human creativities whether black people or white people” because we all have different purposes in life. For example, while President Obama was running for president, he said to the young people “ if you change your lives, you can change the cities, you change the stages, and you can change the nation to make the world a better place” in his campaign. This idea is true because these ideas and words he verbalized had inspired young black people who are growing up under the pressure by the biases. Obama’s ideas are related and powerful motivation with Myers’s ideas for young black people to have a hope for their future.

  Myers said, “ we have to get out of the denial” because many people are still trying to be different about how they look even though how they look is not important to them and important is how they use their lives on this earth. White people put a lot of biases on young black people, even adult black people. For example, two years ago a young black guy was killed by white police officer in Balch Springs Texas when a young black man was about 15 years old on the street. So white people bias to black people not just simply by looking how they look, but white police officers kill a lot of young black people. 

In this article Myers had mentioned that “many people prefer to be white”. So people go online to take the implicit association test, which measures bias. More than five million people have taken it already. “The average for white people prefer to be white is seventy percent and  black people prefer to be white are fifty percent”. This idea is very obvious that many white people are taking credit themselve about how they look as beautiful which is good because they were born normal as like that from their parents, but some black people are prefer to be white, so they deny himself about how they look from the original black’s skin color to be white through the different medications and skin transplant from the black to white. For example, many people in the world know that Michael Jackson was born black, and in his early ages was still black guy, but he changed his black skin color to white. That was Michael want to be white because of the human’s knowledge because it has the power to change everything can be depend on the human as the societies think by human nature.That is why people act different on the skins and react how they look and they act to denail himself as they want by changing from the original. When people were in the earlier ages, they did not know about how they look and how to differentiate because their knowledge was limited even though after they became adults they have more knowledge to differentiate everything such human’s color, Languages, and Government’s rules. Then people can think and act as many as they can whether the positive actions or negative ideas can come out from human’s inner minds. Therefore, many societies can put the bias by differentiation, and the white people prefer to be white because of the human’s knowledges. They compared by colorline.  

 Myers had suggested biase can change by looking directly at their face without thinking about how they look. So she said “stop trying to be a good person”. It means white people get credit themselve for how they look. They think that they are only perfect. Therefore, they give black people bad credit and sometimes blame them just by how they look. People have to be humble at heart as human beings even though they have different Languages and racisms. Many people always blame each other with different opinions and ideas that people can use to bias. 

Do you think that you are only perfect? Not many people are the same as humans on the  face of the earth because according to the bible. For example, Genesis 2:7 said that “we as human beings were created by God from the dust in his own image” to fulfill God’s destiny in the world and the world has a better place because the people as humans, have the same unlimited potential from God. Therefore, Myers’s idea “it is not about knowledge to use bias by looking different color, Languages, and background, but her idea is about how people use everything they have to change in the world from all of the people as human beings while people live on this earth. 

Myers is a great author. She  had provided the best solution about the biase between white people and black people by the color line. She talked about how to change the lives of young black people’s life. She talked about how to prevent from white police officers from killing black people, especially young people. She also suggested how to appreciate each other’s people by looking directly in the face, then we have to realize that we could identify them, they are the same as us as human beings. Myers talked about how to overcome the color line biased because she was black woman and she felt the same things as young black people feel today when she worked with her officemate, she was biased from her coworker. So she knew how the societies felt when they were biased from other people. She cares for the black people, especially young black people, to have hope, and they have a better life in their future. 

 Pursuit of happiness Is Drama Movie

Motivation movie that can inspired you.

What kind of drama movies do most associate with people’s lives?  Pursuit of Happiness is one of the most popular drama movies people can watch. This movie is all about an ordinary person facing personal issues. This move is narrated based on a true story about a man named Chris Gardner, who previously was a jobless, homeless, and divorced husband with a son. The movie Pursuit of Happiness is the best kind of drama because it encompasses standards of the motivation, family struggles, as well as low and high points that characters face. 

First, this drama is the best drama movie because people can be motivated by watching it. Chris is showing how he can get a job through a lot of difficulties. Chris decided to live and take care of his son, Christopher. Chris was searching for a job in many ways even though some companies rejected him when he applied to them. 

He was a smart man. He can fix a broken x-ray machine at the same time; he was selling the machine as well because he wanted to change his circumstances, he studies day and night everywhere he goes. For instance, when his apartment owner cannot allow him to live there, he went to the poor people’s shelter downtown. Then, he studied hard at night in the shelter of poor people while his son Christopher was sleeping because Chris wanted to make the money out of fixing the machine. Fixing the x-ray machine was hard, but he fixed the machine when the Doctors needed him to fix it. This drama movie can motivate people because many people’s life struggles are more related to this drama. This movie is telling people to try more even though the result cannot happen as soon as they want it, but people need the process to pursue happiness.  

This drama movie can motivate people who have to change their mindset because the actor was showing the growth mindset. When he has a growth mindset, Chris showed up in every opportunity he got whether it was meeting on the job interview or selling the x-ray machine to other people by asking if people in the medical field needed his products. People enjoy watching drama movies because it shows the way to develop a growth mindset by curiosity and trying new things every day. For example, Chris asked the physician in pharmacy and hospital to sell the machine to them when he has decided to invest his money on portable bone density scanners for his personal sell to physicians. 

Chris sells better products that are far more expensive, meaning that they are an unnecessary luxury for most physicians. He needs to sell three scanners per month just to fulfill the basic necessities to support his family. He has no passion for this kind of job, but he has to do it because Chris could not find a better job based on his educational background. He has the growth main set to act on the things that he must do in his life to survive with his family. 

This movie shows the viewer how to deal with family struggle because many people have the same family battle everywhere.  Chris’s family was faced with financial difficulty to pay for basic needs. Chris was not enjoying it with his family because he was buzzy searching for the opportunity to get the money. His wife is angry at him after his investment has been used by selling the scanner to clinical places and Doctors. Chris’s family started to argue for the bill and living cost when he cannot sell the machine any more. 

This drama movie has a valuable lesson that can teach people who watch it to find the way to figure out the situation because people have different situations, whether hard or enjoyable. If their family struggles are related to this section in the movie, they can think of a way to find a better life. For example, early in the morning, Chris’s wife was asking him where he was going by angering him. Then, he said “I am going out for the job internship”, but his wife told him that he cannot go for a job internship because she thought that Chris can spend time on internship rather than work with his wife to clean the hospital floor to get a quick chase just for survival. She wanted to pay the bill off by the required amounts.   

The pursuit of happiness is a good drama movie because it can show young adult people how to handle when their life hits a low point in their life. Chris has faced the situation at the low points in his life because he did not have an income to live at standard points as a middle class family economically. He faced many unexpected things. For example, Christ took the bus everywhere he went when his car was towed by a towing company because he did not have the money to pay the parking ticket. Chris went to prison and he stayed overnight in the jail because he painted the apartment without the permission of the apartment owner. His wife leaves him with his son Christopher because Chris was not able to handle the family’s situation when he did not have a job and he did not have the income to survive. 

Chris and his son Christopher slept in a public restroom at the train station because they did not have a place to sleep when they got out of the apartment. These were the stories of how Chris has faced the low points of the situation in his circumstances. Nowadays, some people are still facing the low points in their life through financial difficulties as well when they do not have the knowledge and skills as a degree to apply for the job. Therefore, if people are still facing the same circumstances, they can feel the joy by watching this drama movie. 

Finally, the pursuit of happiness is the best drama movie because it can give us an idea to find the high points of life. Chris has found his high point of life after he faced a lot of failures. He went to the high point of life economically from the low point. 

While Chris pursued happiness, he went to the job interview when he was released from prison. Then, he felt happy after he went to the high point. For instance, Chris was accepted as an employee in a wall street company. He passed the test in the training process. Then, he got a job in a sales position in a wall street company. Chris sold many products from the company by calling his clients. His sales increased. His boss and manager were proud of him and evaluated him to get the promotion quickly because Chris worked hard in every task that was assigned to him by the manager to complete it. This drama is an incredible movie to watch for people with less encouragement on the job. When they watch this movie, they can be motivated to perform on the job in every company they work for at the end of a high point section. 

The movie Pursuit of Happiness is the best drama movie because this idea of the movie was telling people to standards of the motivation, family struggles, low, and high points in the characters and also, these points are more related to many people nowadays when everything is becoming expensive to afford for living. 

Therefore, this movie can help many people to deal with financial difficulty. People can learn how to back up from nothing to be a better life after breaking the situation in their life. This move can teach young people to listen to their parents so that they can follow parent’s advice for the future when they have a family. It can give them the idea of hard work to raise a family and have a better life.

 This move is good for young adult people to communicate well in their relationship or a spouse so that they can face every circumstance in their family with a faithful heart through the best of love. This move gives them an overview of what kind of life could be if they just play around. Life could be hard but if they prepared by working hard and studying hard at a young age, their life will be better and their happiness will be satisfied. 





Works Cited 

Movie Directed by Muccino “Pursuit of happiness” December 15,2006