Life and death are in the power of the tongue - Discover Your Path to Strength and Inspiration at Hesegemhope

Life and death are in the power of the tongue

Proverbs 18:21

power of the tongue
power of the tongue

The word we use is powerful because John chapter 1 verse 1 to 5 said that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome. 

Therefore, God Created the whole universe through the words. He spoke the world into existence with only His Word. He created the universe with His Word. This shows how powerful our words are. As God’s children made in His own image then, the words put in us are powerful as well. There is power in the words we speak. Proverbs 18:21 says our words determine how we fare in life. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. 

Therefore, Our words can make or mar our-self as we speak. The words are able to define us to live freely physically, mentally, spiritually and grow more. We must watch what comes out of our mouths because whether we like it or not, words have good and bad consequences in our life. When we speak blessings over our life, it takes deep into our life to come out the result. Our words are like farmers plant the vegetables and take care of the garden to grow before the harvest time comes. For sure we enjoy the outcome.

God commands us to speak positively in every situation and whatever problem occurs in our life. God wants us not to succumb to the pressure of speaking negative words but speak positive in our speaking. Speak life into every problem and every bad situation for good. Speak life and have life. Speak blessings and have blessings. What we speak is what we can get. Other examples of our words are like the water and good soil that we spray to the plant for verticalization. We can become whatever we declare throughout our mouth that verbalizes the words from inside of us. Any food and drink that comes in through our mouth does not not have power and those foods cannot harm us. The things that come out of our mouths have two kinds of results whether harmful or blessing. 

We choose based on how we want it to happen in life. So, we are free to choose the appropriate words and ideas to make a positive impact in our life by strongly believe in God and whatever we declaring are going to happen in appointed time because God’s promises contained in His Word when we speak in faith brings deliverance, healings, miracles, solutions, answers our prayer and much more based on our needs instead of speaking negative words to ruin us down. We recreate our own world with God’s Words through our mouth to agree what God promises to live full of hope and glory. 

Therefore, we have to recreate situations from negative to positive by our own words if we want to get the best results whatever it would be. We always speak God’s promises. Speak His Word and we will see things change in our favor. When we speak on anything in strong faith, miracles already happen in the spirit but inorder to be visible physically, we have to keep speaking the words. As we know that God did not give us false promises through his words. His promises are always true for us to believe in him through Jesus Christ. So, Everything can be manifested as long as we are using our words by faith. Do not curse the neighbor as ourselves but bless each other with our words to Build them while we build ourselves with the positive words. When we speak, we speak to ourselves, people around us, and to the existence of the world.

Another great example of our  words are like orange seeds. When we plant the oranges seeds, we will not see the apple trees, for sure we will see orange trees with the fruit. So, we have to speak positive things about our life so that we may experience the positive things on us as long as we are still on this earth. When we encourage and build others up with the right words as God could build and bless us at the same time we bless others. The purpose of the words are to glorify God and bless His people as oursalve. When we begin to use our words to please the Lord for His glory, in our life and in the lives of others, we will enjoy the blessings that come with it. So speak life. We have to speak about what we want in our life and live after to direct our path to fordware because our life is never backward. 

In Conclusion, our words from God have placed in us to bless ourselves. Our words are powerful to build, grow, create anything we wish and it is able to push us forward because our word has power. Whatever we declare and come out of our  mouth surely comes to pass with the result. Our word can create life, blessing life, build, and destroy life. So, we can choose our words carefully and wisely. The powerful words were with God in the beginning and now we have it and use it for experiencing the best life on earth.

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