Life's a journey and Discovery the gift - Discover Your Path to Strength and Inspiration at Hesegemhope

Life’s a journey and Discovery the gift

Best Life To Live Is Not Easy

We all are full of potential however those are not visible for the world to see. Therefore, we take the journey of work in us to discover our real potential from the hidden. When we honor our calling, we work on it day in and day out to discover our true gift and potential from inside of us. Because every human was born with a gift and there is no excuse that we are born with nothing. We are limited in using our potential when we spend so many hours sacrificing on our job to build other people’s assets. 

We all must understand that we were not born empty. We all were born with full potential in us. Therefore, we should appreciate the life we have in each moment as we breathe and figure out a way to use our great potential. Let us think about what is the best thing we have to do to make it visible in the eyes of the world. You have different gifts and natural interests to do on this earth. Some of you can play any instrument like playing piano, guitar, and drum. 

Maybe some of you are good at sports like running, playing soccer, volleyball and golf. so , we should stay focused on what we have to use for a living and life long journey. The journey starts with discovery of our authentic natural interest calling us to walk through the process to serve others. That must be a sign for us to show our gift to be visible. It culminates over time with our curiosity and desire to use our gift into the core of who we are adding value to the world. However, that’s not where it ends. 

In fact, there is no end to our journey as long as we live and we use our gift to serve around us. There is no final destination on this earth as long as we are using our gift put into our work rather than on our job. The journey continues to unfold in front of us with each step we take. A little more of the path is revealed and the call continues to naturally draw us farther down the path. We continue to discover more about our gift. We use and grow it more. We add more value, and we ultimately make more of an impact in other people’s lives as well as our own. Significance is what we all truly seek in this life. Significance brings us joy and happiness. 

Joy and happiness comes from a combination of meaning, importance, satisfaction, and fulfillment from inside of us. Meaning and importance stem from our authenticity and who we are. Our gift and pursuing our gift with passion and purpose is our true identity. It’s always there, and it is our choice to embrace, use, grow, and share it with others. Our satisfaction and fulfillment comes with persistently answering the call to be ourselves and honor our gift. Like life, satisfaction and fulfillment are not a destination. When we seek satisfaction and fulfillment through being ourselves, doing what we love, and sharing what we do, we are tapped into our true source of happiness-our gift. Each time we engage in the process and share our gift we will find satisfaction and fulfillment. 

When we let significance guide us, we build a body of work. We build on our craft, improve, add value, impact more people, and re-engage our gift. This cycle can be maintained and sustained over the life of our. We can often overlook our gift because we think of a gift as an extraordinary ability that presents itself as an epiphany of instant mastery. However, our gift is more about our level of natural interest, curiosity, and desire than our level of natural ability. Discovering, embracing, using, growing, and sharing our gift is our purpose of living on this earth. Pursuing our calling and using our gift feels like enjoying playing the game we love.

 It is fun, entertaining, satisfying, and fulfilling for us, yet adds value to the world for others to benefit from our gift. Living Creative Side Out means embracing the journey to answer our call and fulfill our purpose. There is no end or final destination. When we pursue our gift, our journey continues to unfold in front of us, revealing a little more of the path, and our calling continues to naturally draw us farther to discover more about our gift, grow it, and add more value to this world. 

When we use our gift, we attract everything such as wealth, and more people around us. If you feel inspired through listening to this idea of visibility as our gift, now your job is just to figure out the way for you to focus on the thing you absolutely love and you should spend some time on whatever makes you fall in love with it because it can give you everything you need. It will give you motivation, courage, hope, happiness, wisdom, enjoyment, and also it will lead you to grow more to fulfill God’s purpose for your destiny on this earth. When you do so,  your life never ends, however you still live forever for the next generation to come.

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