What kind of drama movies do most associate with people’s lives? Pursuit of Happiness is one of the most popular drama movies people can watch. This movie is all about an ordinary person facing personal issues. This move is narrated based on a true story about a man named Chris Gardner, who previously was a jobless, homeless, and divorced husband with a son. The movie Pursuit of Happiness is the best kind of drama because it encompasses standards of the motivation, family struggles, as well as low and high points that characters face.
First, this drama is the best drama movie because people can be motivated by watching it. Chris is showing how he can get a job through a lot of difficulties. Chris decided to live and take care of his son, Christopher. Chris was searching for a job in many ways even though some companies rejected him when he applied to them.
He was a smart man. He can fix a broken x-ray machine at the same time; he was selling the machine as well because he wanted to change his circumstances, he studies day and night everywhere he goes. For instance, when his apartment owner cannot allow him to live there, he went to the poor people’s shelter downtown. Then, he studied hard at night in the shelter of poor people while his son Christopher was sleeping because Chris wanted to make the money out of fixing the machine. Fixing the x-ray machine was hard, but he fixed the machine when the Doctors needed him to fix it. This drama movie can motivate people because many people’s life struggles are more related to this drama. This movie is telling people to try more even though the result cannot happen as soon as they want it, but people need the process to pursue happiness.
This drama movie can motivate people who have to change their mindset because the actor was showing the growth mindset. When he has a growth mindset, Chris showed up in every opportunity he got whether it was meeting on the job interview or selling the x-ray machine to other people by asking if people in the medical field needed his products. People enjoy watching drama movies because it shows the way to develop a growth mindset by curiosity and trying new things every day. For example, Chris asked the physician in pharmacy and hospital to sell the machine to them when he has decided to invest his money on portable bone density scanners for his personal sell to physicians.
Chris sells better products that are far more expensive, meaning that they are an unnecessary luxury for most physicians. He needs to sell three scanners per month just to fulfill the basic necessities to support his family. He has no passion for this kind of job, but he has to do it because Chris could not find a better job based on his educational background. He has the growth main set to act on the things that he must do in his life to survive with his family.
This movie shows the viewer how to deal with family struggle because many people have the same family battle everywhere. Chris’s family was faced with financial difficulty to pay for basic needs. Chris was not enjoying it with his family because he was buzzy searching for the opportunity to get the money. His wife is angry at him after his investment has been used by selling the scanner to clinical places and Doctors. Chris’s family started to argue for the bill and living cost when he cannot sell the machine any more.
This drama movie has a valuable lesson that can teach people who watch it to find the way to figure out the situation because people have different situations, whether hard or enjoyable. If their family struggles are related to this section in the movie, they can think of a way to find a better life. For example, early in the morning, Chris’s wife was asking him where he was going by angering him. Then, he said “I am going out for the job internship”, but his wife told him that he cannot go for a job internship because she thought that Chris can spend time on internship rather than work with his wife to clean the hospital floor to get a quick chase just for survival. She wanted to pay the bill off by the required amounts.
The pursuit of happiness is a good drama movie because it can show young adult people how to handle when their life hits a low point in their life. Chris has faced the situation at the low points in his life because he did not have an income to live at standard points as a middle class family economically. He faced many unexpected things. For example, Christ took the bus everywhere he went when his car was towed by a towing company because he did not have the money to pay the parking ticket. Chris went to prison and he stayed overnight in the jail because he painted the apartment without the permission of the apartment owner. His wife leaves him with his son Christopher because Chris was not able to handle the family’s situation when he did not have a job and he did not have the income to survive.
Chris and his son Christopher slept in a public restroom at the train station because they did not have a place to sleep when they got out of the apartment. These were the stories of how Chris has faced the low points of the situation in his circumstances. Nowadays, some people are still facing the low points in their life through financial difficulties as well when they do not have the knowledge and skills as a degree to apply for the job. Therefore, if people are still facing the same circumstances, they can feel the joy by watching this drama movie.
Finally, the pursuit of happiness is the best drama movie because it can give us an idea to find the high points of life. Chris has found his high point of life after he faced a lot of failures. He went to the high point of life economically from the low point.
While Chris pursued happiness, he went to the job interview when he was released from prison. Then, he felt happy after he went to the high point. For instance, Chris was accepted as an employee in a wall street company. He passed the test in the training process. Then, he got a job in a sales position in a wall street company. Chris sold many products from the company by calling his clients. His sales increased. His boss and manager were proud of him and evaluated him to get the promotion quickly because Chris worked hard in every task that was assigned to him by the manager to complete it. This drama is an incredible movie to watch for people with less encouragement on the job. When they watch this movie, they can be motivated to perform on the job in every company they work for at the end of a high point section.
The movie Pursuit of Happiness is the best drama movie because this idea of the movie was telling people to standards of the motivation, family struggles, low, and high points in the characters and also, these points are more related to many people nowadays when everything is becoming expensive to afford for living.
Therefore, this movie can help many people to deal with financial difficulty. People can learn how to back up from nothing to be a better life after breaking the situation in their life. This move can teach young people to listen to their parents so that they can follow parent’s advice for the future when they have a family. It can give them the idea of hard work to raise a family and have a better life.
This move is good for young adult people to communicate well in their relationship or a spouse so that they can face every circumstance in their family with a faithful heart through the best of love. This move gives them an overview of what kind of life could be if they just play around. Life could be hard but if they prepared by working hard and studying hard at a young age, their life will be better and their happiness will be satisfied.
Works Cited
Movie Directed by Muccino “Pursuit of happiness” December 15,2006