Sun And Moon Reflection - Discover Your Path to Strength and Inspiration at Hesegemhope

Sun And Moon Reflection

Are you sun or moon? I can identify that I am a Moon. I am reflecting on the Moon because I am a mysterious and quiet person who is very clever and brave enough to face anything. I feel like I am generous and powerful though in unexpected ways. I like to help other people as needed. I can make other people happy and motivated. Sometimes, I feel other people’s pain keenly, but this does not mean I can sympathize with those who are sad in pain. 

When I  speak,  people like to listen, but I can hide my talents deep inside. Nobody knows who I am. I like to listen to motivational speakers, and I like to read motivational books when I am alone in a quiet place. I really care about whatever I do, and whoever I am with in the face of adversity. I strongly believe in myself that I am Moon switching over from the Fire and I am just trying to be a Moon person, but sometimes, I feel lost, so I went to google to make sure. Then I took the quiz to determine categories. This is the quiz I took and you can take as well as you wish which category you are in. If you answer that fit for your personality, it will tell you who you are and what you do best for the common purposes. 

I think this category describes me based on how I live my life. I am able to identify that I am water. I am snowing, and I am  raining. I am always figuring out how to get a solution when things are not going right. I do not like to talk too much nonsense. I do not like to argue with anyone for winning or losing the argument. I do not like to be part of problems, but I like to be part of solutions. Therefore, I am always trying hard to be the solver of the problems for myself and others around me. I know other people out there may hate me based on my weakness and I am not able to be perfect as they want me to be, but my responsibility is just to love them and help them as I can because there is no power of fire in me.

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