Verna Myers Overcome Our Biases - Discover Your Path to Strength and Inspiration at Hesegemhope

Verna Myers Overcome Our Biases

How do you feel when you are compared by someone about you, and what do you think about you and other people as human beings to overcome it? When people act about bad things to others as humans, they hurt people. Then they can feel depressed. So people can feel negative as human beings when we get something unacceptable. Myers has three very powerful ideas  to deal with the biases because in her article, she talked about the overcoming of human’s colorline. So she mentioned  three powerful ideas to overcome our biases. How to connect with other people as human beings without comparing each other while getting out of denial, stop trying to be good people, we need real people. The author who provides the best solution is Myers because her idea can change young black people’s lives, her ideas can prevent young black people from being killed by police officer, and Myers said bias can change by how young black people look, but the societies have to look at their faces directly then they can realize that they are the  human beings as the societies.

The young black people’s life can be changed from Myers’s ideas if the societies follow her ideas and use them to appreciate the young black people as human beings. When the societies understood about Myers’s ideas, she was trying to split the young black people’s lives from the white people’s biases because she knew that young black people feel negative when white people bias them. Myers knew about the young black people’s purpose in life because they have the different purpose to change the world and the world has a better place through the human’s potential. In this article, Myers has talked about the “world can be fulfilled by human creativities whether black people or white people” because we all have different purposes in life. For example, while President Obama was running for president, he said to the young people “ if you change your lives, you can change the cities, you change the stages, and you can change the nation to make the world a better place” in his campaign. This idea is true because these ideas and words he verbalized had inspired young black people who are growing up under the pressure by the biases. Obama’s ideas are related and powerful motivation with Myers’s ideas for young black people to have a hope for their future.

  Myers said, “ we have to get out of the denial” because many people are still trying to be different about how they look even though how they look is not important to them and important is how they use their lives on this earth. White people put a lot of biases on young black people, even adult black people. For example, two years ago a young black guy was killed by white police officer in Balch Springs Texas when a young black man was about 15 years old on the street. So white people bias to black people not just simply by looking how they look, but white police officers kill a lot of young black people. 

In this article Myers had mentioned that “many people prefer to be white”. So people go online to take the implicit association test, which measures bias. More than five million people have taken it already. “The average for white people prefer to be white is seventy percent and  black people prefer to be white are fifty percent”. This idea is very obvious that many white people are taking credit themselve about how they look as beautiful which is good because they were born normal as like that from their parents, but some black people are prefer to be white, so they deny himself about how they look from the original black’s skin color to be white through the different medications and skin transplant from the black to white. For example, many people in the world know that Michael Jackson was born black, and in his early ages was still black guy, but he changed his black skin color to white. That was Michael want to be white because of the human’s knowledge because it has the power to change everything can be depend on the human as the societies think by human nature.That is why people act different on the skins and react how they look and they act to denail himself as they want by changing from the original. When people were in the earlier ages, they did not know about how they look and how to differentiate because their knowledge was limited even though after they became adults they have more knowledge to differentiate everything such human’s color, Languages, and Government’s rules. Then people can think and act as many as they can whether the positive actions or negative ideas can come out from human’s inner minds. Therefore, many societies can put the bias by differentiation, and the white people prefer to be white because of the human’s knowledges. They compared by colorline.  

 Myers had suggested biase can change by looking directly at their face without thinking about how they look. So she said “stop trying to be a good person”. It means white people get credit themselve for how they look. They think that they are only perfect. Therefore, they give black people bad credit and sometimes blame them just by how they look. People have to be humble at heart as human beings even though they have different Languages and racisms. Many people always blame each other with different opinions and ideas that people can use to bias. 

Do you think that you are only perfect? Not many people are the same as humans on the  face of the earth because according to the bible. For example, Genesis 2:7 said that “we as human beings were created by God from the dust in his own image” to fulfill God’s destiny in the world and the world has a better place because the people as humans, have the same unlimited potential from God. Therefore, Myers’s idea “it is not about knowledge to use bias by looking different color, Languages, and background, but her idea is about how people use everything they have to change in the world from all of the people as human beings while people live on this earth. 

Myers is a great author. She  had provided the best solution about the biase between white people and black people by the color line. She talked about how to change the lives of young black people’s life. She talked about how to prevent from white police officers from killing black people, especially young people. She also suggested how to appreciate each other’s people by looking directly in the face, then we have to realize that we could identify them, they are the same as us as human beings. Myers talked about how to overcome the color line biased because she was black woman and she felt the same things as young black people feel today when she worked with her officemate, she was biased from her coworker. So she knew how the societies felt when they were biased from other people. She cares for the black people, especially young black people, to have hope, and they have a better life in their future. 

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